Our Consulting service is designed to provide a solution to any management you need. From a specific consultation or order to the comprehensive management of a property, whether hunting, livestock, forestry or agricultural. We are currently carrying out this comprehensive management in more than 7,000 hectares of rural properties in Toledo, Madrid, Guadalajara, Cáceres and Zamora.
We resolve procedures with the Public Administration, where thanks to our technical expertise and legal advice we have unblocked complex situations.
As part of the technical functions, we carry out environmental impact studies and topography work for industrial companies.
We offer a modular system*, so you only pay for what you need.

*Modules with annual contract. Taxes not included. Prices valid for services in mainland Spain. For other areas, consult.
- Environmental impact studies,
- Forest management plans,
- Hunting technical plans,
- Topography (measurements, surveys…),
- Appraisals and valuations,
- Processing of authorizations and subsidies.
- Opinions,
- Appeals,
- Procedures.
- Health plans and controls,
- Feeding plans,
- Processing of REGA codes,
- Authorizations.